America’s Founding Hosts Powerpoint

America’s Founding Hosts Powerpoint

Part 1: Fraunces’ Tavern and Simmons’ Tavern in New York

Historians have long recognized the central role played by taverns and boarding houses during formative periods in American history. In particular, delegates to the Continental Congress and Constitutional Convention were very familiar with City Tavern and Miss Dalley’s boarding house in Philadelphia. Fraunces’ Tavern and Simmons’ Tavern similarly played an important civic function in New York. New research reveals that these establishments formed an inter-connected network catering to the founding generation. It is thus not surprising that the proprietors of these patriotic businesses were in fact an extended family of siblings – the Dalley, Fraunces and Simmons families.

The following PowerPoint presentation about “America’s Founding Hosts” was given to the South Florida Regents Council of the NSDAR on September 14, 2024.

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